The Tutor
Feature, 1h 45Min, Argentina (2016)
Mona picks up her first job tutoring two orphaned children living in a derelict house in the country. Her obsession with trying to educate these two nearly feral children blind her to the fact they have other plans for her.

This film can be purchased on DVD or BluRay
Director: Iván Noel
Writers: Henry James, Iván Noel
Romina Pinto (Mona)
Cristina Maresca (Clara)
Valentino Vinco (Ángel)
Malena Alonso (Ema)
Julio Méndez (The uncle)
Music: Iván Noel, Peter Von Harten
Cinematography: Iván Noel, Raúl Vidal
Editors: Guy Ducker, Iván Noel
Producer: Iván Noel
Line Producer: Lucas López Vaz de Brito
Associate Producer: Chris Bollesen, Ian Evans, Manfred Hesper, Free Johnson, Christian Luther, Rubens Belfort Neto, Paul Sestina
Executive Producers: Felix Mater Society, David Warren
Production Company: Noel Films
CMV Laservision (2017) (Germany) (DVD)
CMV Laservision (2020) (Germany) (Blu-ray)
Meridian Releasing Group (2020) (World-wide)
Noel Films (2017) (World-wide)

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