Boy in the Corner
Feature, 1h 36Min, UK (2022)
The backward system of society pushes another dream-filled boy to the curb, with his aspiration suppressed, he is at risk of falling into the attractive arms of gang life.

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Studio 7 Films
Director: Joshy Lee
Writers: Luciano Piero D’Amato, Joshy Lee
Cyran Vergara (Myles)
Victoria Shepherd (Maria)
Akil Largie (D’Verne)
Shaun Pelayo (Jaime)
Solly McLeod (Caleb)
Ewan Perry (Khalil)
Luka Arpino Pereira (Jakob)
Jon-Paul Gates (John)
Oli Meredith (Ash)
Shaun Cowlishaw (Floyd)
Hattie Jackson (Amber)
Gabrielle Pineda (Bri)
Alfie Baker (Supplier)
Rae Boseley (Girl in the park)
Katia D’Amato (Gang Friend)
Luciano Piero D’Amato (Buyer)
Leah Davey (Chip shop fryer)
Ben Fletcher (Buyer)
Eleonor Guerrero (Girl in the park)
Maxine Lee (Toddler’s Mum)
Shya Marie (Gang Friend)
Greta Mawdsley-Lee (Toddler)
Alyssa Norcross (Girl in the park)
Jacob Norcross (Buyer)
Micah Melford Videl Perry (Young’un on a scooter)
Drew Rush (Dog walker)
Matt Stait (Dog walker)
Jalaal Tudge (Barber)
Music: Ana Kasrashvili
Edit: Joshy Lee
Production Design: Luciano Piero D’Amato
Makup Artist: Max Van De Banks
Production Management: Luciano Piero D’Amato
Costume Assistant: Katia D’Amato
Concept Artist: Javier Trigas
Set Dresser: Trisha Umali
Sound Recordist: Tamás Jeszenszky
Visual Effects: Esmat Ahmed Al-Salahi
First Assistant Camera: Xenia Guenther
Cinematography Equipment Account Manager: Michael Henery
Gaffer: Micky Montoya
Assistant Camera: Et Ng, Jacob Norcross
Musician: Ilia Jgharkava
Additional Music: Jacob Moore
Soundtrack “Peer Pressure/Nerd Flow”/”Nice”: Vipzz
Caterer: Summer Dyan
Thanks: Marilyn Baldeo, Ruth Baldwin, Karen Bircher, Lucy Boseley, Marie Boseley, Brittany Brock, Nicky Bryden, Sharon Capper, Angelito Chong, Doreen D’Amato, Ralph Donatelli, Lawrence Donello, Laura Fix, Emma Fryer, John Gorny Gaughan, Ben Gaytten, Jessica Gibbs, Reg Gregorio, Stephen Grimes, Shiyun Gu, Richard Hall, Zhizi Hao, Lily Hayward, Richard Hernandez, Rebecca Holt, Sue Hutch, Jim Jagger, Rob Keir, Robert Omnibozoologist LaRue, Patricia Lee, Alexei Liss, Sue Loveridge, Aneesha Lowni, Charmaine Malone, Stace Marie, Stephane Matcheumadjeu, Connor J. Matthews, Amanda Norcross, Jo Pollit, Nina Rossetti, Sharune, Luciano D’Amato Snr, Lars Steenberg, Kyle Stoutz, Reanne Umali, Chris Wallace, Chris Watkins, Steve Weldon, Oscar Wenman-Hyde, Jenna Z. Wilson
Producers: Luciano Piero D’Amato, Joshy Lee
Associate Producers: Tom Brumpton, Jon-Paul Gates, Francois Rolin Jacquemyns, Cola Janneti, Mario Murkl
Executive Producers: Maxine Lee, Felix Mater Society
Production Company: Studio 7 Films
Distribution Companies:
Bohemia Media (2022) (United Kingdom) (video) (VOD & Digital)
Studio 7 Films (2022) (United Kingdom) (Blu-ray)
Studio 7 Films (2022) (United Kingdom) (DVD)
Studio 7 Films (2022) (World-wide)

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