Bahama Sunrise
Feature, 1h 13Min, Switzerland (2017)
The two friends Solange and Marina live a lifestyle that can not be more different. Solange, an introvert psychology student clings to one unhealthy relationship. Marina, an extroverted bartender, is looking for happiness in fast one-night stands. Unfulfilled in their daily lives, a spiral of emotional self-destruction develops, from which the two can almost no longer escape.

Watch the full movie
Director: Kim Culetto
Writer: Kim Culetto, Micha Gasser
Andrea Gomringer (Solange)
Stella Rose (Marina)
Luca Vincenzi (Noah)
Chloe Groltz (Tamara)
Linus Haegler (Julian)
Marina Thuering (Blondine)
Lucca Jaeger (Finn)
Hanna Walter (Dealer)
Matthias Culetto (One Night Stand)
Metin Polatli (Taxidriver)
Kevin Sohn (Bar Visitor)
Ladina Moegling (Band)
Annatina Moegling (Band)
Nicolas Buettiker (Band)
Christian Buettiker (Band)
Florian Mattmueller (Band)
Music: Liam Carter, Silvio Pfiffner
Cinematographie: Nico Schmied
Edit: Nefeli Chrysa, Avgeris
Sound Design: Oscar van Hoogevest
Camera Operator: Kim Culetto, Marcel Sokoll
Producer: Sina Bauer, Kim Culetto, Micha Gasser, Kevin Sohn
Executive Producer: Felix Mater Society
Production Company: Echopark Studios

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