Shortfilm, 15 Minutes, UK (2018)

Set during The Blitz in 1940, this film tells the story of one family’s experience, overnight in an Anderson shelter.

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Director: Joe Morley
Writer: Joe Morley
Producer: Joe Morley

Siobhan Bermingham (Catherine)
Colin Braysher (Grandfather)
Sian Francis (Mother)
Ben Everett Riley (Tom)
Jared Rogers (Rudolf Metzger)
Isobel Tomlinson (Mary)

Costume Design: Tracy Morley
Assistant Director: Sam Gosiewski
Sound Recordist: Darius Alexander
Assistant Camera: James Hales

Consulting Producer: Michael Richardson-Moore
Executive Producer: Torina Case
Executive Producer: Michael Goetzman
Executive Producer: Zach Hamelton
Executive Producer: Felix Mater Society


Morley Motion Pictures

Status: Public

1940 - 2018
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